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The WonderWitch cartridge features a 512KiB flash chip - the MBM29DL400TC. While the WonderSwan SoC pervents writes to the ROM area, it can be written to via the SRAM area using port $CE on the Bandai 2003 mapper.

Sector layout

Bank Start End Size Protected
2 $00000 $0FFFF 64 KB No
$10000 $1FFFF 64 KB
$20000 $2FFFF 64 KB
$30000 $3FFFF 64 KB
$40000 $4FFFF 64 KB
$50000 $5FFFF 64 KB
1 $60000 $63FFF 16 KB
$64000 $6BFFF 32 KB
$6C000 $6DFFF 8 KB
$6E000 $6FFFF 8 KB
$70000 $71FFF 8 KB Yes
$72000 $73FFF 8 KB
$74000 $7BFFF 32 KB
$7C000 $7FFFF 16 KB

Note that the MBM29DL400TC allows operating simultaneously in two banks: the first 384 KB can be programmed or erased while the last 128 KB remains readable, and vice versa.


