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  • 11:11, 23 February 2025Boot ROM (hist | edit) ‎[666 bytes]Asie (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The WonderSwan boot ROM is where the console begins execution on power on. * On the "mono" model, it occupies an area from <tt>$FF000</tt> to <tt>$FFFFF</tt>, for a total of 4 KiB. * On the Color model, it occupies an area from <tt>$FE000</tt> to <tt>$FFFFF</tt>, for a total of 8 KiB. It performs the following activities: * checks if the cartridge self-test passed; * checks if the cartridge footer is valid; * if START is held when the console is turned on, enters the...")
  • 11:06, 23 February 2025Display/Windows (hist | edit) ‎[790 bytes]Asie (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Screen 2 and Sprite layers can optionally have their drawing restricted within or without specific rectangular windows. In the case of Screen 2, one can use the Display Control port to configure if the window should render only the tiles inside of it. Alternatively, once can configure the window to only render tiles outside of it, in which case the window rectangle acts as a cut-out. {| class="wikitable" ! ! Window inside ! Window outside |- ! Pixel inside | align=...")
  • 09:54, 23 February 2025Display/Sprites (hist | edit) ‎[1,597 bytes]Asie (talk | contribs) (Created page with " The display system can show up to 128 sprites at once. Sprites are always drawn in front of Screen 1, but they can be drawn in front of or behind Screen 2. Sprites are stored in a sprite table in the console's internal RAM. It consists of up to 128 four-byte entries, of which any sequential slice can be displayed: <pre> (Byte 1) (Byte 0) 15 bit 8 7 bit 0 ---- ---- ---- ---- vhPi pppt tttt tttt |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||+--++++-++++- Tile index (0-511...")
  • 09:54, 23 February 2025Display/Screens (hist | edit) ‎[977 bytes]Asie (talk | contribs) (Created page with " A screen is a layout of tiles. Each cell in a screen controls one 8x8 tile. The display system can show two distinct screens simultaneously. It also supports hardware flipping of tiles, both horizontally and vertically. The size of each screen is fixed at 32x32 cells or 256x256 pixels, while each cell is stored as a two-byte word: <pre> Address 15 bit 8 7 bit 0 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0bbb byyy yyxx xxx. ||| |||| |||| ||| ||| |||| ||++-+++-- X coord...")
  • 09:51, 23 February 2025Display/Palette (hist | edit) ‎[3,103 bytes]Asie (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The display system provides sixteen different palettes that can be used to color or shade tiles. * Palettes 0-7 can be used for the two screens only; * Palettes 8-15 can be used for both screens and sprites. == Palette format == === Mono === In ''mono'' modes, palettes are stored in I/O ports 0x20 through 0x3F. Each palette contains four three-bit entries, which are pointers into a global, four-bit shade lookup table: <pre> Palette Global shade LUT...")
  • 09:40, 23 February 2025Display/Tile Data (hist | edit) ‎[4,271 bytes]Asie (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Tile data == The tile data is stored at a fixed memory location: * <tt>$2000</tt> - <tt>$3FFF</tt> for 2 bit per pixel tiles in "mono" mode, for a total of 512 tiles. * <tt>$2000</tt> - <tt>$5FFF</tt> for 2 bit per pixel tiles in "color" mode, for a total of 1024 tiles. * <tt>$4000</tt> - <tt>$BFFF</tt> for 4 bit per pixel tiles in "color" mode, for a total of 1024 tiles. == Tile data formats == === 2 bits per pixel, planar === The tiles are stored in an interlea...")
  • 09:38, 23 February 2025Display/LCD Icons (hist | edit) ‎[1,700 bytes]Asie (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The WonderSwan features thirteen fixed LCD segments which are displayed to the right<sup>(color)</sup> or below<sup>(mono)</sup> the main display. These are: * Six under control of software ** Large circle ** Medium circle ** Small circle ** Horizontal orientation ** Vertical orientation ** (Shooting) Star (Sleep) * Four software can query ** Speaker ** Volume A (small wave<sup>(mono)</sup>, center wave<sup>(color)</sup...")
  • 15:21, 22 February 2025Display/IO Ports (hist | edit) ‎[9,429 bytes]Asie (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Graphics I/O ports == {{Anchor|Display Control}} === Display Control ($00) === <pre> 7 bit 0 ---- ---- ..wo Ws21 || |||| || |||+- Enable Screen 1 layer || ||+-- Enable Screen 2 layer || |+--- Enable Sprite layer || +---- Enable Sprite window |+------ Screen 2 tiles are drawn (if window enabled): | 0 = inside window, | 1 = outside window. +------- Enable Screen 2 window </pre> {{Anchor|Display Background}} === Display Background Co...")
  • 18:42, 26 December 2024NEC V30MZ undocumented instructions (hist | edit) ‎[80 bytes]Asie (talk | contribs) (Created page with "TODO. For now, see")
  • 14:32, 26 December 2024NEC V30MZ instruction set (hist | edit) ‎[57,780 bytes]Asie (talk | contribs) (auto-generated initial template)