
From WSdev Wiki
Revision as of 11:06, 23 February 2025 by Asie (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Screen 2 and Sprite layers can optionally have their drawing restricted within or without specific rectangular windows. In the case of Screen 2, one can use the Display Control port to configure if the window should render only the tiles inside of it. Alternatively, once can configure the window to only render tiles outside of it, in which case the window rectangle acts as a cut-out. {| class="wikitable" ! ! Window inside ! Window outside |- ! Pixel inside | align=...")
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The Screen 2 and Sprite layers can optionally have their drawing restricted within or without specific rectangular windows.

In the case of Screen 2, one can use the Display Control port to configure if the window should render only the tiles inside of it. Alternatively, once can configure the window to only render tiles outside of it, in which case the window rectangle acts as a cut-out.

Window inside Window outside
Pixel inside
Pixel outside

In the case of the sprite layer, one can configure this individually for each sprite in its attributes.

Sprite inside Sprite outside
Pixel inside
Pixel outside