The System interrupt provides assorted system-related functionality.
INT $17/AH=$00 - sys_interrupt_set_hook
- AH = $00
- AL = Interrupt index
- DS:BX = Pointer to new vector (read from)
- DS:DX = Pointer to old vector (written to)
Hook the given interrupt handler and enable the interrupt.
INT $17/AH=$01 - sys_interrupt_reset_hook
- AH = $01
- AL = Interrupt index
- DS:BX = Pointer to old vector (read from)
Unhook the given interrupt handler and disable the interrupt.
INT $17/AH=$02 - sys_wait
- AH = $02
- CX = Frames to wait
INT $17/AH=$03 - sys_get_tick_count
- AH = $03
- DX:AX = Number of frames since system start
INT $17/AH=$04 - sys_sleep
- AH = $04
Puts the system to sleep; the LCD panel is disabled and the CPU is halted.
TODO: Document precise wake up conditions (it's definitely the key pattern - is an interrupt sufficient?).
INT $17/AH=$05 - sys_set_sleep_time
- AH = $05
- BL = Sleep time, in minutes
INT $17/AH=$06 - sys_get_sleep_time
- AH = $06
- AL = Sleep time, in minutes
INT $17/AH=$07 - sys_set_awake_key
- AH = $07
- BX = Key pattern to wake up from sleep.
If the key pattern is set to $0000, pressing any key will wake up the console.
INT $17/AH=$08 - sys_get_awake_key
- AH = $08
- AX = Key pattern to wake up from sleep.
INT $17/AH=$09 - sys_set_keepalive_int
- AH = $09
- BL = Interrupt mask
Set the interrupt mask to be applied while the console is sleeping.
By default, this is set to $02 - that is, only the key interrupt is listened to during sleep.
INT $17/AH=$0A - sys_get_ownerinfo
- AH = $0A
- DS:DX = Output buffer
- CX = Output buffer size, in bytes
- The FreyaBIOS implementation only works correctly in the "mono" mode. An alternate implementation that supports "color" mode is provided as part of libwwc.
INT $17/AH=$0B - sys_suspend
- AH = $0B
- AL = Suspend slot (see below)
- DS:BX = Pointer to I/O resume table (see below)
- AX = 0 if suspend successful, 1 if returning from suspend (via sys_resume).
Makes a copy of the execution state (IRAM, I/O ports, stack) to be restored via sys_resume (see below).
Suspend/resume structure
This structure is stored in SRAM block 3, offset $7E00
(slot 1) and $BF00
(slot 0).
Offset | Size | Contents |
$0000 | 16384 | Copy of RAM area $0000 - $3FFF
$4000 | 4 | Far pointer to I/O resume table (DS:BX), plus 1 |
$4004 | 224 | Copy of IO ports $00 - $DF
$40E4 | 2 | Value of CX? |
$40E6 | 2 | Value of SP? |
$40E8 | 2 | Value of SS? |
In addition, these SRAM block 3 locations are used:
Offset | Contents |
$FFEE | Resumable status for slot 0 (bit 7 = resumable?, bit ?..0 = ID) |
$FFEF | Resumable status for slot 1 (bit 7 = resumable?, bit ?..0 = ID) |
I/O resume table
Offset | Size | Contents |
$00 | 2 | 'IO' |
$02 | 224 | Resume configuration for each I/O port |
INT $17/AH=$0C - sys_resume
- AH = $0C
- AL = Suspend slot?
Resumes execution from an existing suspend slot. Returns to where sys_suspend was last called, but with a different return value.
INT $17/AH=$0D - sys_set_remote
INT $17/AH=$0E - sys_get_remote
INT $17/AH=$0F - sys_alloc_iram
- BX = ?
- CX = bytes to allocate
- AX = near pointer to allocated IRAM block
Pointers to IRAM blocks are always segment (16 byte)-aligned.
INT $17/AH=$10 - sys_free_iram
INT $17/AH=$11 - sys_get_my_iram
INT $17/AH=$12 - sys_get_version
- AH = $12
- AX = BIOS version
15 bit 0 ---- ---- ---- ---- MMMM mmmm pppp pppp |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| ++++-++++- Patch version (0-127) |||| ++++----------- Minor version (0-15) ++++---------------- Major version (0-15)
INT $17/AH=$13 - sys_swap
INT $17/AH=$14 - sys_set_resume
- AH = $14
- BL = Resumable flag for slot ?
- BH = Resumable flag for slot ?
INT $17/AH=$15 - sys_get_resume
- AH = $15
- AL = Resumable flag for slot ?
- AH = Resumable flag for slot ?