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The Display interrupt provides helper functions for accessing the WonderSwan's keypad.


INT $11/AH=$00 - key_press_check

  • AH = $00


  • AX = A bitmask containing the currently held keys.
15  bit  8  7  bit  0
 ---- ----  ---- ----
 .... 4321  4321 bas.
      ||||  |||| |||
      ||||  |||| ||+- Start
      ||||  |||| |+-- A
      ||||  |||| +--- B
      ||||  ++++----- X1/X2/X3/X4
      ++++----------- Y1/Y2/Y3/Y4

INT $12/AH=$01 - key_hit_check

  • AH = $01


  • AX = A bitmask containing the newly pressed keys, if any.

INT $11/AH=$02 - key_wait

  • AH = $02


  • AX = A bitmask containing the newly pressed keys.

This call blocks until a key is pressed.

INT $11/AH=$03 - key_set_repeat

  • AH = $03
  • BL = Key repeat delay, in frames
  • BH = Key repeat rate, in frames

INT $11/AH=$04 - key_get_repeat

  • AH = $04


  • AL = Key repeat delay, in frames
  • AH = Key repeat rate, in frames

INT $11/AH=$05 - key_hit_check_with_repeat

  • AH = $05


  • AX = A bitmask containing the newly pressed keys, if any.

For this call, the repeat delay/rate configuration is taken into account.