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The WonderSwan SoC features a 4 by 3 keypad matrix.

I/O Ports

Keypad Scan ($B5)

Scanning is done via writing to and reading from port $B5.

7  bit  0
---- ----
.iii oooo
 ||| ++++- Output rows (0-3)
 +++------ Input rows  (4-6)

The standard procedure is to read rows 4, 5 and 6 in order, shifting their values into one twelve-bit mask like so:

15      bit       0
---- ---- ---- ----
.... 4444 5555 6666

Typical keypad scanning implementations introduce a delay between writing to and reading from the matrix, allowing the scanned values to stabilize. For example, one can use the DAA opcode for doing so.

Startup override

On startup, the boot ROM checks whether or not certain output rows are forced high when all input rows are disabled. This triggers a startup override prior to the boot logo:

  • Input row 0 - jump to 4000:0000,
  • Input row 1 - jump to 4000:0010.

As this override is done before boot ROM lockout, it can be used to dump the boot ROM.

Keypad arrangement



 Y4    Y2

 X4    X2                              A
    X3       Sound Start Power      B

Sound and Power buttons are not exposed directly to software.


Bit O 3    2    1    0
I     |    |    |    |
      |    |    |    |
4--- Y4 - Y3 - Y2 - Y1 -
      |    |    |    |
5--- X4 - X3 - X2 - X1 -
      |    |    |    |
6---  B -  A - St ---+--
      |    |    |    |

Bit mask

15      bit       0
---- ---- ---- ----
.... yyyy xxxx bas.
     |||| |||| ||+- Start
     |||| |||| |+-- A
     |||| |||| +--- B
     |||| ++++----- X4, X3, X2, X1
     ++++---------- Y4, Y3, Y2, Y1      

Pocket Challenge V2



   Up                                  Clear
 Lft Rgh                           Circle
   Dwn                           Pass

The Power switch is not exposed directly to software.


Bit O 3    2    1    0
I     |    |    |    |
      |    |    |    |
4--- Pas  Crc --+-- Clr -
      |    |    |    |
5--- Rgh  Esc --+- View -
      |    |    |    |
6--- Up - Dwn --+-- Lft -
      |    |    |    |

Bit mask

15      bit       0
---- ---- ---- ----
.... pc1C re1v ud1l
     || | || | || +- Left
     || | || | |+--- Down
     || | || | +---- Up
     || | || +------ View
     || | |+-------- Esc
     || | +--------- Right
     || +----------- Clear
     |+------------- Circle
     +-------------- Pass